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Cortica Incubator

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): OPEN SCIENCE : Accès aux savoirs scientifiques auprès des professionnels de santé et contribuer à la littératie scientifique citoyenne

Cap or no cap? Development of an application for 18-25 year olds: a fun, autonomous and accessible course of cognitive restructuring to help young people restore their sense of confidence in the light of neuroscience

September 5, 2023


Accompanying adolescents and young adults in their learning path and career and specifically on questions of trust and self-confidence has occupied my professional life since 2012 as a school director and teacher. The meeting of these fields with the theoretical contributions of the CAS in educational neurosciences, under the supervision of Dr. Cherine Fahim (2021-2022) at the University of Fribourg, gave birth to the idea of ​​creating an application intended for young adults, in the continuity of the work that has been built for 10 years around the Cap sur la Confiance method. In summary, this Cortica Incubator is a continuation of the Cap ou pas Cap? The objective is the development of an application for 18-25 year olds looking for a fun, autonomous and accessible course of cognitive restructuring at all times to help them restore their sense of confidence in the light of a better understanding of their brain under stress



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