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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): The neuroscience of education: Interdisciplinary perspectives that unite the discoveries of neuroscience with those of the disciplines of education and psychology.

Valoriser et rendre visible l’or caché des jeunes présentant des neuroatypies

  • Laetita Maradan
March 7, 2024


This project proposes an educational tool aimed at better understanding and comprehending young people, adapting interventions, and ensuring consistent follow-up. The collaborators embraced this idea, which could strengthen young people's esteem for their skills. However, recording learnings over time and implementing the journal are challenges. Evaluation of this project is planned for the end of the 2025 school year, with the intention to generalize it if proven effective. The goal is to evolve the logbook to reflect the progress of young people and highlight their multiple skills and intelligences. By thus valuing their achievements, it is hoped that they will have more confidence in themselves and reveal their hidden potential.


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