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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): The neuroscience of education: Interdisciplinary perspectives that unite the discoveries of neuroscience with those of the disciplines of education and psychology.

Mon cerveau au GYB : Un outil numérique au service de l’apprentissage

  • Emilie Bernard
March 7, 2024


This work explored the possibilities of developing an educational tool based on educational neuroscience to assist GYB students in understanding and overcoming their learning difficulties. Drawing on the PRESENCE model and examining key areas such as stress, motivation, attention, memory, and beliefs, the goal was to develop an effective tool tailored to the specific needs of students. Although the MC'GYB tool is still conceptual, its potential development offers significant prospects for more personalized education. This initiative is part of an ongoing research effort to improve understanding of adolescent brain function and support their academic success. The future of the project depends on its concrete development, in collaboration with GYB students, and subsequent evaluation to determine its real effectiveness and make adjustments based on student needs. This work underscores the increasing importance of integrating educational neuroscience into the design of educational tools tailored to the specific challenges faced by adolescent students.


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